Sunday, January 19, 2014

WWII : 'Proxy War' of the fit upon opponent's unfit

Eugenically speaking, WWII was a Proxy War.

Opposing groups of the high tech 'fit' warred mostly upon their opponent's low tech 'unfit' population.

All in the hopes this would cause their opponents to surrender without much direct (dysgenic) combat between the opposing 'fits'.

So - for example - German civilians on German soil were bombed for six full years before British troops* finally fought a badly faded German Army on German soil,  in the dying moments of WWII.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Morale-krieg : breaking the Will or breaking the Wild ?

Diving Stukas , sirens wailing , bombing city bus stations or strafing refugee columns.

Paratroopers and Fifth Columnists popping up out of nowhere, guns ablazing.

Hard-charging Panzer tanks crushing civilian cars and people while un-announced U-boat attacks in the night sink civilian liners filled with women and children.

Blitzkrieg was clearly Terror-krieg and Morale-breaking-krieg.

But whose morale exactly ?